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DIY Thieve’s Oil

What is Thieves Oil?

We see it almost everywhere that sells or markets healthy living. Thieves oil appears to get its name from the 15th century when it is said that a band of thieves used a combination of herbs and spices to prevent infection from the Bubonic plague. The thieves went from infected house to infected house robbing the deceased. While they escaped illness, they did not escape capture. The judge, like the rest of the population, wanted to know the thieves secret so he promised them leniency if they would disclose their trick. Researching this article, I learned that doctors during that period wore long conical masks over their mouths and noses. The masks were filled with herbs and spices used to disinfect the air that doctors must breathe when tending to the sick. It doesn't seem likely our Dark Ages ancestors understood germs as we do today. It is clear however that through trial and error people did develop a sound knowledge of what works and what doesn't work. Thieves oils works. I'll explain how it works and how you can make your own.

How does Thieves Oil Work?

Plants are nature's little chemical factories but they rely on animals to spread their pollen and seed. This is how nature works - through mutually beneficial relationships. Essential oils are very concentrated extractions made from plants. Depending on how the oils are extracted, a variety of beneficial chemicals are rendered. Terpenes, esters, aldehydes and ketones are just a few. Different plants yield different combinations of chemicals so that different essential oils will have different properties. While most plant essential oils are proven to have antibacterial and grease cutting properties, we have learned to treat specific health issues with specific oils. There are also aromatherapeutic benefits including blends to calm or energize.

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What you'll need.

A glass jar works best
I like to use a pipette, but you can approximate quantities with the eyeball method
the following five essential oils, quantities noted below are the number of drops. You can change that to ounces or milliliters, just keep the proportions inline with the original recipe.

  • 20 -Cinnamon bark
  • 40 -Clove
  • 10-Rosemary
  • 35 -Lemon
  • Eucalyptus

To use your theives oil

For health, be sure to use a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil. For cleaning your home, add a few drops to a diluted white vinegar mixture. Be sure to either emulsify the oils using something like alcohol or glycerin; or be prepared to shake before each use to assure the essential oils are evenly dispersed in the vinegar. This is also a safety concern since you don't want pure oils in direct contact with your eyes or mucus membranes.

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